We were dismayed to learn that Roger Masure left us on Monday 27 January.
He was no stranger to the Leonberger world.
His first Leonberger was Minja von guten Hoffnung with whom he bred his first litter v. Titushof in 1992.
We wish his wife Marcella and the entire family lots of strength.
Memories of Wilma Beutelspacher (09/08/1932 – 15/09/2024)
When we became acquainted with the Beutelspacher family (Robert and Wilma and Carmen) on a cold December day in 1961, we could not have suspected that a long and warm friendship would grow out of this.
Despite the distance that was quite great for us at the time, we met regularly both in Germany and in the Netherlands and received a lot of support in setting up a Leonberger community in the Netherlands.
Robert and Wilma turned out to be real pillars of support for the German Club.
It all started very quietly, but as the ‘youngest’ member of the board, Robert very quickly got more tasks and Wilma in the background, supported him in carrying them out.
Before long, she would also officially take over Robert’s tasks.
Wilma was the DCLH’s studbook keeper for a long time. Back then, everything was still manual which required hours of work.
In addition, there were plenty of household tasks such as baking all kind of pastry’s, preparing food for the guests and the volunteers helping to build the clubhouse.
A lot of ‘older’ people will remember how Robert and Wilma came with their ‘kurze’ on Monday mornings after the club show to say goodbye, wish them good trips home and hoping for a visit the following year.
After Robert’s death in 1991, she did the puppy mediation until 2009 and was a real point of contact for old and new Leonberger fanciers.
In 1987, she was awarded the gold medal of the DCLH and in 1996 during the 150th anniversary of the existence of the Leonberger breed, she received the club’s honorary membership and in 2004, she was awarded the Millennium Award of the Italian club.
In 2017, however, her health condition had deteriorated to the extent that an admission to the Seniorenheim became necessary.
Her interest in the ups and downs of the Leonberger remained and great was her joy when visitors came with Leonberger(s).
As humble as she was in club life, she passed away from us on 15 September 2024.
Our thoughts are with her family and especially with Carmen.
Hein and Metha
19 December 2023
In this video Feragen gives you a brief overview of diversity and how it is presented on the MyFeragen platform. Plus, we’ll show you how you can use dog-matching so that your future puppies not only get the greatest diversity possible, but also become a benefit to the breed population.
00:00 Short Introduction
01:10 Genetic Diversity – What is this?
08:17 Modern Breed Management
09:17 myFERAGEN Platform
10:21 Heterozygotic
14:57 Genomic Input Coefficient
25:47 Dog-Matching – What Matters
25:44 Dog-Matching – Matching Tool
46:03 Dog-Matching — DLA Matching
48:52 Dog-Matching—Adaptations
In Metha’s kennel a litter of 10 bitches and 6 dogs was born.
For morte info:
Leos on all breed shows is regularly updated.
Club Shows results have been updated
Results Outdoor Utrecht published
Results FCI World Dog Show Madrid published
Judges IULH World Championship Show published.
Click here
Click for statistics FCI World Dog Show Madrid
Club Show Results have been updated
Club Show calendar has been updated.
All statues have been sold.
Adopt a Leonberger.
From the 20th to the 25th of June 2019, 200 Leonberger will occupy the market square in Leonberg.
Inspired by his Rottweiler project, Ottmar Hörl, a versatile German artist, creates a large installation for Leonberg with this 200 Leonberger dogs all gathered on the market square.
For five days, the serial sculptures will populate the old town, thus creating an unforgettable picture, transforming the marketplace into a communicative showgrpund and certainly captivating the audience.
We can look forward to the encounters between humans, animals and sculpture.