Cadaujac, 19/05/2024
Lieselotte du Bonnie Blue Flag, owner Annel Hupel. & Lorelei du Bonnie Blue Flag, owner Monique Loo. DOB 08/10/2015.
Breeder Anne Hupel
Mateo Milo du Bonnie Blue Flag, DOB 30/04/2016. Breeder/owner Anne Hupel
Coco, aka Chan Chan v.d. Miepmup is celebrating her 13th Birthday today!!!.
17/01/2024“Storre” Rosaceae Viscum 11 years, owner Paul Wuisman
Has lived in Sweden for over 10 years and still makes his rounds 3 times a day through the cold, -23 degrees in 01/24
Illysse de la Vallée de Cheyenne, DOB 10/01/2013
26/06/2023Jetske du Domaine des MignonsDOB 02/02/2014
Owner Marion Gauvin
9 Years old, still going strong
Nagybobanya Loky Nagy Sarga
DOB 26/05/2015
8 Years old
Nagybobanya Lajos Leeroij
DOB 26/05/2015
8 years old
Nagybobanya Lowie Lempereur
DOB 26/05./2015
8 years old
Riku (Samurai vom Dreiburgenland) DOB 1.7th May 2013.
Owner Emi Kojima (JP).
Still going, strong.
Grace van het Leonhuuske, DOB 23/04/2012, owner Bert & Mieke Elshof.
at nearly eleven years old she is doing very well.
Rosaceae riccia roepnaam SKIP
Born 03-11-2011, deceased 03-10-2022
Rosaceae Viscum, 9 years old. Still doing verty well.
Rosaceae Tweedia.
Born 11/05/2012. Still going strong
03 May 2022
Rosaceae Viscum call name Storre, ownerPaul Wuisman (Sweden)
Born 05.03.13, and still going strong!
03 December 2021.
At nearly 10 years Drago (Nagybobanya H Fekete Taras) is in great shape.
DOB 03 February 2012.
03 February 2022.
Today 10 years Drago (Nagybobanya H Fekete Taras) celebrated his 10th aniversary..
DOB 03 February 2012.
03 February 2022
Drago’s brother Nagybobanya Hurrikan Bentley is also doing well.