Cadaujac, 19/05/2024
Lieselotte du Bonnie Blue Flag, owner Annel Hupel. & Lorelei du Bonnie Blue Flag, owner Monique Loo. DOB 08/10/2015.
Breeder Anne Hupel
Mateo Milo du Bonnie Blue Flag, DOB 30/04/2016. Breeder/owner Anne Hupel
Coco, aka Chan Chan v.d. Miepmup is celebrating her 13th Birthday today!!!.
“Storre” Rosaceae Viscum 11 years, owner Paul Wuisman
Has lived in Sweden for over 10 years and still makes his rounds 3 times a day through the cold, -23 degrees in 01/24
Illysse de la Vallée de Cheyenne, DOB 10/01/2013
Jetske du Domaine des MignonsDOB 02/02/2014
Owner Marion Gauvin
9 Years old, still going strong
Nagybobanya Loky Nagy Sarga
DOB 26/05/2015
8 Years old
Nagybobanya Lajos Leeroij
DOB 26/05/2015
8 years old
Nagybobanya Lowie Lempereur
DOB 26/05./2015
8 years old
Riku (Samurai vom Dreiburgenland) DOB 1.7th May 2013.
Owner Emi Kojima (JP).
Still going, strong.
Grace van het Leonhuuske, DOB 23/04/2012, owner Bert & Mieke Elshof.
at nearly eleven years old she is doing very well.
Rosaceae riccia roepnaam SKIP
Born 03-11-2011, deceased 03-10-2022
Rosaceae Viscum, 9 years old. Still doing verty well.
Rosaceae Tweedia.
Born 11/05/2012. Still going strong
03 May 2022
Rosaceae Viscum call name Storre, ownerPaul Wuisman (Sweden)
Born 05.03.13, and still going strong!
03 December 2021.
At nearly 10 years Drago (Nagybobanya H Fekete Taras) is in great shape.
DOB 03 February 2012.
03 February 2022.
Today 10 years Drago (Nagybobanya H Fekete Taras) celebrated his 10th aniversary..
DOB 03 February 2012.
03 February 2022
Drago’s brother Nagybobanya Hurrikan Bentley is also doing well.